The Levine Scholars Program takes the brightest, most capable students and gives them the tools, resources and environment they need to explore the world around them, engage deeply in their communities and excel across disciplines.
The four-year scholarship includes full tuition, room, board, a grant to implement a service project of the scholar’s own design and four summers of experiences that will develop leadership skills, social awareness and an international perspective.
LSP ASPIRE Fund (Academic Support, Programming, Innovation & Research Expenses)
While the gift from the Leon Levine Foundation covers all academic and tuition related costs, many integral components of the Levine Scholars Program are reliant on donations to the ASPIRE Fund, formerly known as the Director's Fund. These include: Conference travel, Alternative Spring Break, graduate exams and study guides, and annual events like the senior retreat and senior banquet. Activities for alumni of LSP also come out of this fund. We depend on donors like yourself to continue the programing and opportunities that set Levine Scholars up for lifelong success.
To put your donation to the LSP ASPIRE Fund into perspective: