The Graduate School

Outstanding graduate students are the key to the success of any research university.

The driving force behind graduate education is the desire to address business and community needs. The Graduate School, through its units and programs, delivers professional development, career preparation, and a sense of community that equips well-educated students with the leadership, cultural, and communication skills they need to succeed. Our Graduate Fellowships help provide the resources students need to maintain focus on their studies and progress toward their degree.

Please consider how you can support UNC Charlotte’s Graduate School in educating and training over 6,000 graduate students whose work in laboratories, private industry and national universities contributes to America’s global leadership. Today’s graduate student becomes tomorrow’s highly trained, skilled leader or employee.

Private donations are vital to support needed fellowships, research activities, professional development and educational opportunities for all graduate students across the UNC Charlotte campus.

Up for the Challenge? 

  • For the Love of Charlotte, Graduate School Dean Emeritus Tom Reynolds and his wife Claudia have challenged alumni and friends to support graduate research and fellowships during Niner Nation Gives. 49 gifts to any Grad School fund will unlock their generous $40,000!
  • The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®️), supported through the Graduate Student Excellence fund, is an academic research competition that challenges graduate students to summarize their research in 3 minutes or less. For our 49 hours of NNG (or the time it would take for 980 3MT presentations), program sponsor Raju Law will be matching gifts to this fund up to $1,000!

Make a bigger impact by taking advantage of the challenges. Check back for updates!

The Graduate School

Looking to take part in Niner Nation Gives? Here are great ways to help support graduate education and students at UNC Charlotte:

The Graduate Student Excellence 

The Graduate Student Excellence fund supports events designed to grow and celebrate graduate students. The Dean’s Doctoral Reception is held each semester in combination with commencement.  The event recognizes the impressive work of graduating doctoral students and the support provided by their advisors.  The fund also supports competitive events such as the Three Minute Thesis (3MT).  3MT is an academic research communication competition that challenges graduate students to succinctly summarize their research for a non-specialist audience in three minutes or less.

Graduate Education & Research Fellowship

Outstanding UNC Charlotte students are supported by generous donors to the Graduate School through a variety of fellowships.  These fellowships award select doctoral and master’s students with funding for a period of their academic career.  One of the most impactful fellowships that is awarded from this fund is the Summer Fellowship.  It is a competitive, merit-based fellowship that provides funding to students for summer research.  The Summer Fellowship has shown a direct impact on the students in their ability to reduce time to graduation. The fellowship encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. 

Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning

The Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning is the heart of graduate education at UNC Charlotte and provides an intellectually stimulating and rich learning environment in which graduate students from across disciplines can build community and cultivate a sense of identification with the University as a whole. The Reynolds CGLL strives to fulfill its mission by providing a welcoming space set aside exclusively for graduate students, as well as through a wide range of programming developed, implemented and promoted specifically for and by graduate students.

Support The Graduate School during Niner Nation Gives for your chance to take home a beautiful quilt hand-made by Claudia M. Reynolds!

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