At the College of Health and Human Services, there’s a simple, straightforward reason why we do what we do: we want to improve the health and well-being of people and the places where they live. We need your support to make progress toward this goal, and humbly ask for contributions to the following initiatives.
Give to any fund within the College of Health and Human Services to take advantage of this challenge!
Healthcare Heroes
Our health and human services heroes have made us so proud as they served patients and saved lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We recognize their efforts and sacrifices by accepting gifts in their honor. Contributions will support students and college initiatives as we fulfill our vision of enhancing health and quality of life across the lifespan for individuals, families and communities across North Carolina and beyond.
Share your hero's name, story, and a photograph, if you’d like. The College will reach out to those who have been honored with an acknowledgement via email. We’ll also
share selected stories on our social media channels and website.
Email to share your hero's story and include the honoree’s email address.
School of Nursing White Coat Fund
The School of Nursing White Coat Ceremony proudly celebrates new graduates by welcoming them into the profession with new lab coats offering awards given to top students. Help our Niner Nurses celebrate their hard work and the significance of taking the first step into a career as a nurse.
Shenk Gerontology Research Award
Niners working in assisted living communities and with older populations have shown their dedication to residents and patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud of the quality of our current students and alumni, who work in a range of positions in long-term care, home care, adult day care and senior centers.
Please consider making a gift to the Shenk Gerontology Research Award, created to honor the program’s founding director, Dr. Dena Shenk, and her 24 years of service to the Gerontology Program. The award provides critical funding for students engaged in research in the field of aging.